If you're a parent as I am, you'll be familiar with the constant battle that is entertaining your child. My daughter is now 2 and a half and it's more of a "challenge" than ever. I like to try new things with her - and I'm sure that 80% of it falls into the category of "I didn't do that in MY day".
Anyway, so I've heard of making potato prints, so I dutifully got out the bag of sprouting spuds and started carving a circle. And a square. Then I looked at the "bits" drawer and spotted some biscuit cutters (smallish ones) I had. Big potatoes plus smallish biscuit cutters = quick and easy fun shapes to print with!
So we had the basic circle and square..and have since branched into a Piglet, some flowers, stars, and all sorts really. And it takes a fraction of the time! You still need a knife to trim away the outside bits once you've pressed the cutter into the potato..but it's great!
The trouble is, by the time I've done them, set out the paints on a tray, some paper on the floor and some paintbrushes, all Sofia wants to do is paint her own feet! Nevermind - when she's ready, I'll be armed with my potato prints..
I have some dinosaur cookie cutters that I'm going to use for this, fab idea!