No recipes today. Today, I am so exhausted that my legs feel like jelly and everything about me is droopy. I'm barely typing here, I've actually got my eyes shut - so it's a jolly good thing I paid attention to the lovely teachers at school who taught me how to touch type. That was certainly a skill worth having - it paid my way through university and it means that even now, I can rest my eyes while blathering merrily away. Please forgive the slight more mad than usual rubbish - I AM tired.
SOMEHOW I need to cook the chicken sitting on my kitchen counter top. I need to turn it into a delicious feast with roast potatoes. Somehow, I have already managed to whip up pancakes for lunch, so hopefully I'll manage this too. It'll be good to have a proper dinner. I've been too tired to cook properly so I think a good feed will help.
That or my umpteenth cuppa tea.
Oh the sproglet in another room and I hear tearing sounds..must dash!
Simple life workshops on Zoom UPDATED
4 days ago
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